Christopher Demetriou joins Onyx Capital

Brokerage executive Christopher Demetriou has joined the newly-formed retail arm of commodities broker Onyx Capital. He will work as Head of Client Management.

Demetriou joins the company from fellow brokerage group CMC Markets. He spent just over a year at the broker, working on the firm’s premium and high net work client desk.

Aside from CMC Markets, Demetriou has also held sales roles at XTB’s London-based entity and He he was Head of UK sales at the latter company.

Onyx has historically been an institutional broker focused on oil markets. However, the company announced the launch of a retail arm last month.

That is being head up by Andrea Rebusco, who spent almost a decade at IG Group and also had stints at WiseAlpha and digital wealth management firm Moneyfarm.

Demetriou is not the only ex-CMC Markets executive to join Onyx. Chandni Brahmbhatt, who also worked on the broker’s account management team, joined the company in August.

Onyx’s Head of Marketing, Richard Beaufoy, also made the switch from a rival retail broker, Spread Co, when he joined the firm earlier this year.


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